Thursday, September 29, 2011

She Ate a Hare?

Regarding our favorite books this week...

My Little Sister Ate One Hare [Bill Grossman] was my favorite because she ate one pea and then she threw all of the other stuff up.  That's all. 

I like The Great Fuzz Frenzy [Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel] because one prairie dog touched the fuzz and put it on his head.  Then everybody started charging and putting it on them.  They started making it into everything, and all the prairie dogs got it until....all the fuzz was gone.  Then they started fighting and fighting and fighting until they were all fast asleep.  Then he got all the fuzz and nobody knew where the fuzz was until he said he stole the fuzz (the big one).  Then an eagle came and got him, and he slipped out and fell.  Then they took it back in, and then they all ran into the hole, and then they were cheering, "No more fuzz!"  Then the same old dog came with an orange tennis ball and dropped another one in there.  Now there will probably be orange fuzz!

I will admit that I do not share Thing1's enthusiasm about our read-alouds this week.  There haven't been any great ones like The Seven Silly Eaters last week.  The Husband read Baby Brains by Simon James to them and said it was funny.  From what I gathered, it is a spoof on our "baby geniuses," but, again, I have not read it.  Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash by Sarah Weeks was very cute and made the boys laugh.  It's another rhyming book, which I like.

In our "to be read" pile, there is an Aunt Minnie McGranahan book that I have read to myself and loved.  I'll let you know what the kids thought of it next Thursday, hopefully.

Happy Reading!

P. S.  I am beginning to like My Little Sister Ate One Hare more by the minute.  Thing1 just read it cover to cover on his own volition while I wrote this post.

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