Monday, January 16, 2012

Muddy Four-Wheelers

I intentionally chose decent jeans and a decent top this morning instead of ratty clothes even though I didn't plan to go anywhere.  I made a conscious effort to defrump.

Then they asked me if they could ride 4-wheelers.

None of my usual excuses worked.
  • It was a nice day.  
  • It would be getting colder and rainy later.  
  • I was not too busy.  
  • I hadn't ridden with them in a long time.  
  • The Husband plans to be doing school work every evening this week.

I pulled on the Muck boots, and I didn't regret saying yes even after my decent jeans were speckled with mud.  Their happy, dirty faces were thanks enough.

There's something about mud, wheels, and speed that, when encountered all together, raise a boy's spirits immensely.  And when the boys' spirits are raised, so are Mama's.

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