Friday, September 30, 2011

The Laziest Day

"Friday is the laziest day of the whole week!"  This is what Thing1 observed this morning at 9:12 when we were still in pajamas.

For a long time, one of Thing1's favorite activities has been taking apart Hotwheels.  He periodically asks for a Phillip's-head so he can take something apart.  I usually say no and remind him that the toys never get put back together.  Instead, I keep the pieces corralled in a cup for a couple weeks and clean around it, then I finally throw the whole business away when I get tired of the clutter.  It's not like we have a shortage of Hotwheels.  Plus, the cost of a Hotwheels car is less than what my time putting it back together is worth. 
Today Thing1 asked for a Phillip's-head so he could see how his John Deere lawn mower was made.  I said okay.  It's been awhile since I let him.  As usual, it only took a couple minutes to get it apart after asking, "Which way is left?" and mumbling, "Lefty Lucy" when the rusty screw wouldn't cooperate.
I may not understand it myself, but all I have to do is watch his face to see that this is immensely satisfying to him.  Thing2 was ready just in case someone asked him to help.
The law mower was in parts.  The part I was interested in was about to start.  Could he get it back together or would this lawn mower go the way of the dismantled laptop (that was impressive; I wish I had pictures) and the countless dismantled toys? 

Look at the admiration in Thing2's eyes.  Later he said, "[Thing1] is a hero!"
They stopped to chase a flying screw and miraculously found it among the trash underneath the loveseat.  Thing2 got distracted by pulling lost treasures out with his needlenose pliers.

Back to business.  It was almost together, but I was still not convinced he would see it through.  He has gotten to this stage before.  Using tiny screws to put it together is the hard part.  "Righty tighty. Which way is right?"  
One more "righty tighty," and Voila!  It was done.

This may sound trivial to others, but to a mother of boys who want to be just like their mechanic daddy, this is not a lazy day; it is a pivotal day.  This is the day we put away a whole Hotwheels vehicle after he asked for a Phillips-head to take it apart.

Linked with
Sunday Snapshot


nanny said...

It seems that a wonderful day was had by thing 1 and thing 2 and their Mother. I can honestly say that after reading this blog, I will also have a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing, Anna.

Rebekah Sacran said...

Very impressive! I don't even know if I could do that.

Melissa Owens said...

Wow! I am impressed. He is just like his dad. I know you are a proud mom!

AMAY said...

A handy man is a blessing to his wife, as you well know. How exciting for his future wife that he has taken this step today. It gives me hope for all the started projects my sweet husband has lying around! ;) And a must give you kudos for saying yes, You are indeed a good and brave mom!

laughwithusblog said...

Now why didn't I give my second daughter Hotwheels to take apart? Instead she would take apart her crib, the patio furniture, the knobs on my get the idea! :)

AIMA said...

Mimi, I am proud that I don't have to throw away another Hotwheels toy. :-)

AMAY, yes, I agree. A willing handyman is a blessing to his wife. Hopefully we can use the next few years to refine his skills. :-)

Esther, believe me. I get the idea!