Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Shapes and Sound Pictures

Thing2's school work yesterday was inspired by Developing Minds Through Occupational Therapy.  We thought of Aunt Jessie when we did this!

  • Drawing shapes
  • Recognizing the sound pictures 'c', 'a', and 't'
  • Following multi-step instructions
First I wrote c's, a's, and t's in random places on our Handwriting Without Tears Double Line Slate.

Then I made a key on plain paper and instructed him to use straight lines to make a square around the 'c' (we use sounds instead of letter names), draw a circle around the 'a' (short a sound), and a squiggly shape around the 't'.  The sounds in 'cat' are the only ones we are working on right now.  He still does not recognize the sound pictures well.
Side note:  I have ditched The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading, which is a pure phonics method, in favor of the Phono-Graphix method as outlined in Reading Reflex.  I would compare Phono-Graphix to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons but with much more common sense and parental instruction.

This took a healthy dose of concentration, but it was simple enough for almost-4-year-old Thing2 to see it through from start to finish.

 Hip Homeschool Hop Button


Susan said...

Looks like a successful activity! Thanks for sharing with Look What We Did :)

Marmie said...

Good job! I am proud of both of you!

Jessie said...

Love it! That requires a healthy dose of visual perception as well to complete!